SJ Basic Package
(I don't need anything complex with no ongoing maintenance)

One-Time Fee
One domain name setup
Site Security
12 months hosting
3 to 5 pages
Graphics & videos provided by you
Managed on your own
Recommended for:  Start-up businesses


SJ Silver Package
(I don't have time but I need something quick as well as ongoing maintenance)

One domain name setup
Site Security
12 months hosting
Managed by web developer
3 to 7 pages a month
Graphics & videos provided by you
Monthly backups

$489 / month

SJ Gold Package
(I need help on everything but with 'no' ongoing maintenance)

One-Time Fee
Site Security
12 months hosting
Search Engine Optimizing
10 Custom Web Pages
Google Analytics (Audience Tracking)
Social Media Link-up
E-Mail / Contact Forms
Site Map
Keys to website handed to owner


SJ Platinum Package
(Help me on everything 'with' ongoing maintenance)

One domain name setup
Site Security
12 months hosting
Unlimited graphics
Unlimited Pages
Content Management
Search Engine Optimizing (SEO)
Google Analytics (Audience Tracking)
Online Shopping Cart
Social Media Link-up
E-Mail Contact Forms
Monthly backups

$1995 / mo.

Online Shop / E-Commerce Setup

Setup payment method (PayPal, GoDaddy, Bluehost)


Video Production

Video recording, trimming, and processing to YouTube or website.

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Graphics Design

Image touch-up, flyer design, logos, and prints
3D prints

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SJ Bronze Package **

(Just keep the site up and running for me. I don't need anything added, but just a few information updates every now and then.)

One-Time Fee *
One domain name setup or site transition
No added pages
Monthly backups

Starting at $79.00 / hr

3D Printing Service

Print out 3D models, miniature structures and diagrams.
Print up to 350mm x 350mm x 400mm

See library of 3D models

Unsure of which package to choose?

Schedule an appointment and we'll see what best fits your needs.

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