What or who is WebSJ.Tech
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The founder and owner of this site, Rodney P. San Jose has an affinity for technology, particularly computing, graphics, software engineering, and web development.
Web is for, well, the the world-wide-web. SJ stands for San Jose, which is short for Saint Joseph, who was known as a carpenter by trade, foster father of Jesus, and husband of Mary. Historical records don't indicate that he spoke much, but Saint Joseph's silence speaks great volume. Interestingly, the word 'carpenter' in Greek, is 'tek-ton', which translates to 'one who fashions well with their hands'. Tek-ton is a variant of the to the word 'archi-tekton', where we get the word 'architect'.
The founder loves fiddling with information and knowledge. His mind delves plenty into the realm of metaphysics and the teleology of things. The question that often arises for Him is, 'Who architected' the whole thing? Being a software designer / web developer gives the founder a sense that he has a share in 'architecting'... hence ending the site name with .Tech. ^_^